Monday, December 08, 2008

CIP – Construction in Progress

We've finalised the theme, colour palette, the nitti gritties and the big burly men are at work!


Except they are not really around today cos its a public holiday.

They had to erect scaffoldings in my puny master bedroom to paint the 6m high ceiling. Plans for a mezzanine level for the high ceilings were shelved because of time and monetary constraints.


I obviously will not have sufficient wardrobe space with this cupboard they call a "walk-in wardrobe" :


Hamsam would have to put his clothes in the storeroom.

The kitchen divider is the cause of our constant (major) disagreements. I think its a white elephant that makes the already-small place look even more claustrophobic!

He thinks I'm over-reacting and he can actually live with it.

Its like the Berlin wall. And it needs to go down!


My Maggie mee cooking stove.


Don't expect me to whip up a feast with this cute lil' two-hood stove if you guys ever drop by!

Accompanied by an equally quaint sink.


I guess I will use it to wash the chopsticks used for the Maggie mee and the wine glasses.

Its a race against time to have the house completed by Christmas...
The walls are still monochrome for now. But the colours go on next week!

We finally bought our couch today!! After weeks of shopping for that perfect laze, we nailed it down. For a great bargain too!

He slouched in it and visualised watching the tv on it while I lie on it and imagined reading on it.

Either ways, it was perfect!

It was of the right size, the right height, the right depth.

And the right price!

We also got a Pottery Barn look-alike ottoman for a fraction of its original cost! It felt like an episode of Friends where Rachael got a Pottery Barn furniture but had to lie to Phoebe that it was from the flea market. Except ours is the other way round. And
I'm not lying. It is at a flea market price!

Meanwhile, I'm still swamped with work!!! And I'm having such a bad migrane right now that I don't think I can bring myself to turn on the lappie to work!

More updates on Loflita next week!

Rode the waves @|11:28 PM|

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